Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sold Dad's Books For a Song - someone ELSES song

Finally sold off dads 1700 books - did i mention this?
I cannot even remember who i told.
Found a book estate buyer. He paid shit but he took everything.
on the spot.
nice kid - about my age, german, lives in LIC with wife and kids... has this business of reselling books and donating books, etc.

Basically he gives a shit price, sells what he can, donates the rest and gives the donation slips to the seller (me)... 
 and I will be able to claim 3 bux per book, for 1000 books. On my taxes. 
so thats a 3000 donation, which is ok.

also other book buyers had picked over them previously, so together we pulled in 700 bux for all of it. 
for 1700 books, not incredible.  But it was really about finding a home for them, more than anything.
He had a lifetime to sell, and he didn't do so.

So, this is the result.

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