Sunday, March 1, 2015

Lenny Diner

the danny thing - I keep thinkng of weird things he said and did over time. And now large his sarcastic, thorny persona has been.

Even back at purchase, his presence created legendary ripples that people like Chris N could only hope to co-opt and take on as his own.

His ballsy, funny, brashness.  And another side, very mellow and kept very close to the vest. 

Its really true that each person becomes a part of you. Its weird like that. 
Every encounter you have, its folded into you!! 

Very cool, on the positive side.
Unfortunately "traumas" also become part of a person.  Physical/menta abuse, drug users, bad dentists, frightening teachers and authority figures, on and on.
So? There's good in it, and bad in it.

But lets remember already, the good funny stinging Danny-things.   Its good. 

(I was shaving and remembered a shaving race I had with Danny at purchase. 
And how he stopped along side me, watched me and made a grimace and eye-roll at how I was raking the razor down my face iwth lightning speed.  

Definitely aghast at my "speed method")

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