Monday, July 26, 2021


 Sometimes I'll listen to an indie station like WFUV ( - plug! - ) via web, and peruse their playlist while a song plays... selecting the song track and selecting SEARCH IN GOOGLE, watch said video, and google the artist name by itself to find out simple stats (which comes up as a wiki blurb w photos)...

Then i'll go further if interested by logging into - the amazing site that tells you everything under the sun about the band, their members, their albums, etc. - and see what their origins and trajectories have been.

And sometimes I'll go to a lyrics site like MetroLyrics (or whatever comes up). This is basically akin to the old-school system, where we'd yes sit down on the couch with the liner notes! -- except that now its more A.D.D.-driven, and web-surfing-based. But its still happening while the music plays, just as it did years ago.
I find it more engrossing and entertaining to do this than to watch tv, or even to watch a simple music video -- altho it involves a bunch surfing around.
But I love it!! - when I have the time. Its a true Discovery Session for me. The information, the pictures, the histories... they're all there, on the web. Its truly amazing.
Not sure how this TunesMap compares, but maybe it will have a similar vibe. "Its all good, man!"

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Every Relationship Seeks and Finds Its Level

 Yeah i remember going on a bit with Danny about some tortured aspects of my relationship with Louise.  "Every Relationship Seeks and Finds Its Level", is what he said to me.   His response was fairly dispassionate.

You know how some people get animated, and get into the drama of others? Its not that he was non-gossip person, at all. But in this instance, he just stayed completely neutral, bordering on blasé.  

"Every Relationship Seeks and Finds Its Level"??  What does that mean??

Just what I said, kev—"Every Relationship Seeks and Finds Its Level".

In the end Louise and I broke up, and interestingly/tellingly, that transpired around the same time he, himself, got divorced from his wife!  

Yes, another banal story.  File it.