I thought I was lame and irresponsible about calling people back, till I got thoroughly re-introducted to Dee. I guess its just something to say, when stating, "I'll call you at 830."
But that statement comes back again and again, and never does said person call back at said time. Never. My friend Wae once said, "Yes you often don't call when you say you will," and that stopped me from ever promising I'll call. Unless I know, for certain, that its important and its part of a plan.
I have my moods, and sometimes just do not want to be on the phone, period. So, I simply won't make that promise anymore, that I'm going to call.
But Dee makes that promise, to call, again and again. And while I'm actually relieved he never fulfills the promise, I get tired of going through the ritual of yes-yes'ing about being home, yes I'll be there, yes you should call, sure.
In some sense its a totall relief, as I know its just going to be a lot of stories of Woe, some incredible literally almost-unbelievable strokes of bad fortune that have befallen him. And the stories are long, windy, and end depressingly. Generally the person at fault is the teller of the stories, but always there is implicit blame on the others involved, or in The Situation that trapped him in. These tales go on and on— about having had to pay close to 1000 dollars to visit his brother in Philly, a 300 dollar cab ride from one town to another, etc. Just a lot of really really painful stuff to hear.
And when I say painful I mean it in the sense that its a lot of venting, and mostly no lessons learned, about terrible judgement and sloppy lazy behaviour. Again, the tales end up poorly. They're tough to hear, because after they are exhausted and explored, these stories will be replaced by more stories. With the same kind of Charlie Brown woe.
Or there's the Highs The highs of a guy who loves to drink and get high. Hubris, and Great Possiblity, about a screenplay idea, or a contact made, or just in general something that has become super inspiring and exciting, due to having had a few hits of weed, and some booze down the ol hatcher.
The question is, Do I really want a call back? Not so sure.